
Nerdy Ramblings and News

CARD(&)BOARD – GLHF 100-Card Standard TOURNAMENT – STREAM 06.19.2021

Nick participated in Good Luck High Five’s 100-card Standard Patreon Tournament in June with a deck overflowing with enchantments, leading to some fun Magic: The Gathering Arena gameplay!

Commons and Uncommons That Excite Me From Modern Horizons 2

Historically for our “Cards That Excite Us” articles, it is a free-for-all where any newly printed card is fair game for reporting excitement. However, during the Modern Horizons 2 spoiler season over the last couple weeks, I realized an unrestricted article would list most if not all of the rare and mythic cards in the…

Bounty: The Gathering – a Thanksgiving EDH Story

Once, on a far off plane, through many forests and through many plains, was a large, fertile thicket. This thicket was home to many bounteous places and wonders, from exotic orchards, refuges for those of the gray pelts, and groves scattered through out, some filled with sun petals. In the center of this thicket, was…

First Impressions: Unearth

Probably one of the more time-consuming processes in the lives of us Triad Gaymers is the selection of a new board game when visiting our local game store. There are 3 of us, all with varied interests, ways of gaming, and preference on different game mechanics. Seriously, we usually plan at least a full hour…


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